Sunday, October 09, 2005

..that I'm a God Mommy

8th of October 2005 @ 7:58am my God Daughter was born. 3.56kg and a head full of hair Mira Galadriel pieterkosky Moore came into the world after 23 hours of labour.

I have been swooning and smiling since then, happy that everything went well and both parents came out of this alive and well (but utterly exhausted).

I spent 3-4pm on both saturday and sunday sitting in their hospital room looking at her and holding her on saturday.

I have been appointed the Mother's personal assistant, so it was me updating the masses over the labour period and me who informs people they can go visit etc. I dont mind at all , I a happy to help when ever and where ever I can.

Unfortunatly I am stuck at work today so I cant go through to the hospital today :( but its fine because it gives the extended families a chance to go there and see her.

For those of you reading this who know the parents and want to see the baby there will be a tea organised for a viewing. We were thinking of getting Rawson Properties to organise it but since we want to keep all the money to ourselves, her granny is doing it :P I will keep any one instrested posted...

and on another note, here is a picture of her:


Blogger Hila said...

oh and you cant see it in the picture but she has her daddy's chin

10/10/2005 4:04 AM  
Blogger Adam Fisher / fisher king said...

wow! please pass on my congratulations! and to you :)

w-v: To Armenians Questioning Oorganized Oblong Luncheon Meat Gambling

10/10/2005 12:06 PM  

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