Tuesday, November 15, 2005

...that some birthdays you remember forever

So it was my birthday yesterday and I spent most of it wishing that I had taken leave. Work was really being piled on and people were pissing me off and getting pissed off with me because what ever they wanted wasn't done yet not understanding that every one else was saying the same thing. It was horrible, I wanted to cry on my birthday, I didn't though. There was another problem, I had gotten it into my head that my dad was up to somethign for my birthday, in fact I was trying to unconvince myself that he had bought me a new car, you know? Pipe dreams and all that. I just held out looking forward to supper at Moyo and smiling at the birthday wishes I got from my friends. When the time came to go home I did so fast! and got ready for Moyo, tummy grumbling from the thought of all that wonderful grub.

Dinner was great! Besides that ze Germans landed up sitting at a table not far away from us, weord. I ordered a cocktail after my dad eventually said I could have one cause his knee was saw and I might have to drive. It was yummy , I got a moyo Muddle: double vodka, strawberries, mint, crushed ice and a muddle stick with honey on it. For those of you who don't know, a muddle is a cocktail you mix yourself, not blended, you just crush everythign with the stick.

Later my cousin and I went for a walk, I took the opportunity of not having my mom asking me a gazillion questions to sms Jack and my cousin and I stood by 1 of the fires chatting for a bit. Till my sister came up to us to tell us that the troup wanted to sing me a song. So i went and sat down and they sand happy birthday to me in Xosa and English. After which my parent's friends gave me my present from them. A key ring and a Mezuza for the car. So when my parents gave me a box, I knew what was in it! I was too scared to open it incase I was wrog , incase I was right and this was just a dream and whenI opened the box I would wake up. I opened it slowly and there sat a key with a Ford keychain and around the corner sat my new car: A black ford fiesta, I am really glad I didnt wear make up.

So presents count so far:
Collar and cuff set from Jack
Cute window moon from H.I.M. fangirl
Full moon from Mother Nature
Keyring and Mezuza from family friends
and a new Ford Fiesta (which I now need to name)

I am still waiting to wake up, it's just too incredible to believe and here are the pics


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