Tuesday, December 27, 2005

..happy happy whatever holiday

Merry Xmas/Happy Chanukah/ Blessid Litha/ Bah Humbug     
(circle the appropriate season greeting)

So it’s been an interesting weekend, a mixture of chilled out and stressed out. Saturday was mostly stressed out. I am definitely starting cooking earlier next year and not waiting so late. However, from what I hear the Xmas / Chanukah party at our place was a success, so stress was worth it. Went to Gotham for a short while after. Chatted to a few people, strap broke, Cacey fixed strap and then the sedative in the turkey started kicking in and I was falling asleep sitting up on a bean bag. So the Goth Taxi, with Jacktar as the driver went back to our house. Went to bed and slept like the dead, seem to be doing that a lot lately, yay (

Sunday I spent reading the last of the Sandman series, Endless Nights and then watched miss congeniality 2, nothing special really, just waiting for Jacktar to finish with the tourist. Supper was using leftovers and to make something else and then to bed. Monday was much of the same.

Except I was reading witches abroad, didn’t finish it, and didn’t watch a movie. It was the same in the sense that I was waiting for Jacktar to finish with the tourists. Went with Mich to the waterfront to get Selina a tag and try finding a collar so come New Years we won’t have a heart attack if she gets out. Before hand I slept till 12ish. We got her a tag, didn’t find a collar and then Jacktar treated us to drinks and a slice of cake.

Went back to the house. Mich sorted her teddy bear stuff, Jacktar slept and I cooked. Made baby (as in little pieces of) chicken schnitzels and mash potatoes for the boys. Jacktar came back around 6 ish, he had dropped his charges at the adderly street market, which as predicted, they didn’t enjoy and 10 minutes later he was going back to fetch them. So I tagged along and Jacktar dropped the very in love newly weds at the clocktower. We went to Andiamo and had a lovely supper. I really enjoy the fact that we have so much to talk about, although I tend to do most of the talking which he claims he doesn’t mind.

Anyway today back at work and back to having dumbasses on the other side of the phone line not knowing how to do their job. At least there are fewer of them since a lot of places are closed for season.

Next weekend New Years, and It’s at our house…yay, can just crash when I am tired , in my own bed :P


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