Sometimes to let you know.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

..happy happy whatever holiday

Merry Xmas/Happy Chanukah/ Blessid Litha/ Bah Humbug     
(circle the appropriate season greeting)

So it’s been an interesting weekend, a mixture of chilled out and stressed out. Saturday was mostly stressed out. I am definitely starting cooking earlier next year and not waiting so late. However, from what I hear the Xmas / Chanukah party at our place was a success, so stress was worth it. Went to Gotham for a short while after. Chatted to a few people, strap broke, Cacey fixed strap and then the sedative in the turkey started kicking in and I was falling asleep sitting up on a bean bag. So the Goth Taxi, with Jacktar as the driver went back to our house. Went to bed and slept like the dead, seem to be doing that a lot lately, yay (

Sunday I spent reading the last of the Sandman series, Endless Nights and then watched miss congeniality 2, nothing special really, just waiting for Jacktar to finish with the tourist. Supper was using leftovers and to make something else and then to bed. Monday was much of the same.

Except I was reading witches abroad, didn’t finish it, and didn’t watch a movie. It was the same in the sense that I was waiting for Jacktar to finish with the tourists. Went with Mich to the waterfront to get Selina a tag and try finding a collar so come New Years we won’t have a heart attack if she gets out. Before hand I slept till 12ish. We got her a tag, didn’t find a collar and then Jacktar treated us to drinks and a slice of cake.

Went back to the house. Mich sorted her teddy bear stuff, Jacktar slept and I cooked. Made baby (as in little pieces of) chicken schnitzels and mash potatoes for the boys. Jacktar came back around 6 ish, he had dropped his charges at the adderly street market, which as predicted, they didn’t enjoy and 10 minutes later he was going back to fetch them. So I tagged along and Jacktar dropped the very in love newly weds at the clocktower. We went to Andiamo and had a lovely supper. I really enjoy the fact that we have so much to talk about, although I tend to do most of the talking which he claims he doesn’t mind.

Anyway today back at work and back to having dumbasses on the other side of the phone line not knowing how to do their job. At least there are fewer of them since a lot of places are closed for season.

Next weekend New Years, and It’s at our house…yay, can just crash when I am tired , in my own bed :P

Thursday, December 22, 2005

...that free food tastes better

So a couple of weeks ago I complained to Nando’s that the Milnerton branch was just not up to scratch. What sent me on this complaint was that I had gone through on a lunch run at about 11. They told me they were closed because they were in a staff meeting and they would be open in 20 minutes. I waited till 11:30 and went back. I got told they were only opening at 12. So I asked to speak to the manager and expressed my disgust at the fact that they don’t have their staff meetings _before_ opening time. I got a patronizing and sarcastic response.

So I complained about that, and I complained about the meager amount and he bad quality of chicken livers in a chicken liver started. I get a call the next day. “Hi is this Hila? This is Sean the manager from Nando’s Milnerton and I would like to apologise for the way I treated you. I would also like to invite you for a meal at Nando’s, come in any time and ask for Sean.” So I used my Friday “lunch break” (I don’t actually get a lunch break, I normally just eat while I work) and Sean wasn’t there.

The manager in charge that day called him and I spoke to him. He apologised for not telling me to call to check if he was there and told the manager to give me any meal I wanted and told me that I must come in again and he will treat me to the meal he promised.

Today I decided to cash in that meal since I slept over at Jack’s, who has no food in his house and therefore I couldn’t pack a lunch. Went to Nando’s, saw Sean, and ordered my started livers and a burger meal. Said I wanted it take away and Sean protested, so I said I would have the starter there and the rest take away. Longest it’s ever taken me to eat a starter chicken livers, he talked… a lot. But hey, he paid for the meal so he can at least get that.

Just finished the burger and I will eat the chips a little later but yum that was nice.

Monday, December 19, 2005

...that I didnt mean to wait this long

So it’s been a while since my last post I know, but I have been busy: moving, working, with Jacktar. So now I have a few minutes while I wait for the nurafen to kick in and I have a few hours of painless bliss.

When are they going to bring nurafen capsules down here? They work a lot better and a lot faster too.

So moving is not done yet, there was a small glitch in the system. I need shelf space and I haven’t got any, apart from those in my cupboards. The plan this evening is just to pack the stuff that I have moved into the cupboard whose shelves aren’t packed with clothes and then move them later, I am tired of looking at boxes and they make my room look smaller then it actually is. Selina loves them though, besides being things to climb on they also “slide stoppers”. My floors are parquet so she jumps and sliiiiides across the floor and the only things that stop her are: a) cupboard doors
                                 b) The wall
                                 c) Boxes.
The boxes are the softest objects. She also tends to fail a few of her “jump onto desk” rolls, it’s quite cute actually. Took her to the vet yesterday because she has this nasty sore on the back of her neck. As Princess_Annie assumed, it’s an injection site reaction. Vet gave her another injection and some cream and now we wait for her to let it heal and scratch it open, then let it heal and scratch it open again and then just let it heal.

Work is work as usual, nothing too exciting. We don’t close for “season” so no extra holidays. Training a new receptionist so I don’t die of stress related causes when the other lady in the office goes on leave for 3 weeks. I barely manage my job with out oodles of stress never mind 3 peoples’ jobs.

Jacktar is as wonderful as always. Got reprimanded gently the other day for not waking him when I had nightmares after he woke up to me sobbing when I had had enough of not being able to sleep because of the same nightmare I kept going back into every time I closed my eyes (Don’t remember what the nightmare was, never did, just woke up shaking and on the verge of tears). He seems to be exactly what I have been searching for. Not in the “omg! He’s the perfect guy” type of way, I am too old to believe in perfect, but he is Just Right.

Other then that not much else, cooking for Adeeb's roleplaying group who play at our house. It was stir fry last night and next time I will make something for the meat eaters as well.

Now I really want to try Minato’s in town, my dad just waxed lyrical about it and I am in a very cravy mood and now I crave sushi….bugger!

Back to work….